Monday, June 9, 2014

Making all things new

My favourite do-over yet!

This table has been with us since we were married 14 years ago!  It was given to us (or rather I snaggled it) from My hubby's mum's house. It had been sitting underneath her house doing nothing. ( Along with a beautiful old wardrobe, which I also snaggled, more about her in another post!) Well, since we have had the privilege of having this table in our possession, it has been a computer table and an art and craft table and I'm sure before we had it was probably someone's breakfast table.
This table has lived many lives.  Put up with a lot of mess and damage from us and not really had a place of honour in our house.
So I thought it was about time to restore her to her former glory.

 So I had some handsome guys help me sand it back. 

Every mark tells a story, every scar is a record of what she's been through. But we are about to restore her and allow her to be given back her dignity.
That's what I love so much about restoring furniture. We strip back to the barest parts, we see it naked, we see every mark, every scratch, every gouge and we lovingly, gently start to heal those wounds.

 After sanding, a primer is added on top. 
I chose to paint the legs white and the top is an earl grey (would you believe), I think it does look like the colour of earl grey tea though :)
And here she is... She has been given the place of honour right in the lounge room. She has pride of place and is the stand-out piece in the whole room.

 Love it!!

(Picture of me and my darling in the background) 
  Oh! And I got the LOVE sign for mother's day and I LOVE IT!!
 I think furniture just becomes so much a part of your life that it is like a family member! I am so happy to see this table restored and beautiful and ready for new adventures!

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