Sunday, December 28, 2014


This Christmas we had just moved house 4 weeks before and I suggested everyone come to our house for Christmas!  Although after I wondered what I had been thinking as sometimes I get so excited I just envision this big get togethers and forget that their is actually work involved in getting prepared for the day... 
I can't help myself... I am a gatherer. I love gathering people together and seeing them enoy, engage, laugh. I love it.  
Thank goodness I have been blessed with a husband who can balance me out in that and helped me have a plan and a few ideas to make the day go smooth.
It was his idea to have a fun photo booth for the day, so everyone can have some great memories of us all being together.

I am also blessed with a talented team of children who helped get the photo booth ready ( I actualy didn't even set it up they did it all!!)   I just supplied the frame from my endless collection of things I keep to re-purpose.

My daughter made the signs out of some chalkboard cut off I had.

They also spent an afternoon (my daughter and older son), doing this awesome chalkboard art and hanging it up on the patio where the guests would be sitting.

My hubby bought the props at the cheap shop and voila! We have our Christmas photo booth....

My Moustache is falling off!!  The cute reindeer next to me is my youngest, He never misses a chance to be in a photo, Not shy at all this one!

A mix of winter with the Aussie summer Christmas!

The table is set and we are ready to go!

Heaps of water fights... 

The day went so well. I put it down to having a plan.  We decided on a few activities and set about preparing for them. But the things we chose to do were simple and did not take alot of effort or hassle,  
I am learning that simple is better.  Christmas can come and it is all over in 24hours.  The main thing that lingers is the memories and the time spent together. 
Merry Christmas 2014 and Happy new Year for 2015. 
I look forward to more things to re-purpose and make 2015 a year of creativity and rejuvenation!
Fiona xx